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What time does cooperative start?
Doors open at 9:30 with Circle Time starting around 10:15.

Arrive anytime you want but be aware not to interrupt circle time.

Can we leave early?

Yes, please come and go as you and your family need.

We know life happens so if you need to leave early just let your teacher know and we will see you next class.

Classroom Helper; what snacks should I bring?

Toddler friendly snacks without NUTS.
Goldfish, Cheese Sticks, Crackers, Fresh Fruit (pre sliced and diced), Yogurt, Fruit Pouches, Gummies, Graham Crackers, Veggie Straws. Not need to bring drinks.

Special Occasion/Birthday: Cupcakes, Munchkins, Muffins

What else should classroom helper do?

Setup snack while kids wash hands, wipe down tables, bring out plates, lay out snack in the middle of the table.

Cleanup after snack, wipe tables, vacuum around tables.

Snap photos throughout class and email them to Ashley so she can use them on social media and weekly email.

Take out the trash and put in the dumpster room near the bathroom, then replace bag.

Take home any extra snack. 

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