Welcome to the Baltimore County Toddler Cooperative! Co-Op is a parent/child play-based educational program for ages infant-5 located in Lutherville, Maryland. Teacher-led classes meet for 2 hours weekly in our dedicated classroom at the Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church.
TCBC was originally founded in 1976 by a group of local graduate students as a playgroup for their pre-school aged children. Over the years, Co-op has evolved into a social and educational pre-school program serving families from all over the Baltimore metropolitan area.
TCBC is an educational cooperative that welcomes children ages infant-5 years without regard to race, color, religion or ethnic group.
Co-op classes are divided according to a child’s age and meet once a week for 2 hours. Each student is accompanied by their caregiver (parent, nanny, grandparent, etc.). This provides parents with a rare opportunity of experiencing school with their child! Class size is limited for an intimate exploratory experience for both students and caregivers. Lead by an experienced early childhood education teacher, the play-based curriculum is designed to meet the developmental needs of the age group.
** See our Parent-Led Drop In Playgroup page for information about a new format of class the co-op is introducing this year!
Play-Based Curriculum
Play for young children is the ideal mix of learning and fun! It is one of the most important experiences in their intellectual and emotional development. The classroom is equipped with a variety of age appropriate materials including dolls, trucks, puzzles, kitchen equipment, musical instruments, painting, play dough, blocks and crafts. We have equipment to encourage large motor development and use of a wonderful playground with swings, tricycles, slides and climbing equipment.
Cooperative Approach
As a cooperative, we are able to keep costs down and enjoy a well-supplied, well-staffed program with minimal costs to our families. Every family participates in the program by volunteering on a committee and serving as a teacher's assistant and snack parent throughout the course of the year. Our board are volunteers that donate their time to make sure that Co-Op continues to prosper, grow, and continue serving families, as it has done since 1976.